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Replica Guns Swords :: Blank Firing Guns :: Police and Military Training Blank Firing Guns :: Front Firing Beretta Cougar 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun Chrome Gold

Front Firing Beretta Cougar 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun Chrome Gold
Front Firing Beretta Cougar 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun Chrome Gold 
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Front Firing Beretta Cougar Replica 9MM PA Blank Firing Gun Replica: Our New Front Firing Cougar Fires Flame and Smoke from the front of the Barrel. All Blank Firing Guns sold in the US must have the red tip in compliance with Federal law. It is my understanding that if the item is to be used in the theatrical, movie, or television industry the red tip can be removed. Our authentic, full sized, fully operative, blank firing Cougar Front Venting Reproduction weighs and feels like the original. The Cougar is Great as a stage prop, collecting and just fun. Caliber 9MM PA, Length 7 ½ Inches, Weighs 3 lbs, Rounds 15+1. Comes complete with one magazine and a hard shell carrying case. There is an optional 25 Round Magazine available for this Model. Cougar 9MM PA Blank Firing Guns. Cougar is sometimes called V Cougar. It is the same thing.

Click Here to Add 9 mm. PA Blank Ammunition for this blank gun model.


Price: $136.00

Extra 25 Round Magazine
Extra 15 Round Magazine

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