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West Monroe La.
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Colonial collectibles, collectibles colonial, collectibles from colonial era, George Washington knife set, blunderbuss, French flintlock pistol-hunting sword, Bowie knife, antique bunting flag, boxed dueling percussion pistols, Thomas Jefferson knife set, Replica declaration of independence, George Custer framed set, the Alamo collection framed set, Lewis and Clark expedition collection framed set, revolutionary war bayonet, German axe/pistol combination.
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U.S. Constitution
SKU: 29-C
“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands…" This is an authentic looking replica of one of the most important documents in America's history. It is printed on antiqued parchment paper and can be framed to decorate any home, office or h...
Our price: $5.00
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SKU: 07-172
DELUXE GEORGE WASHINGTON KNIFE SET. This handsome folding pocket knife features a 3 stainless steel blade, an eagle embossed on the handle with a picture of our 1st President. Knife is custom mounted in a deluxe book style box with the presidential seal on the front. Overall Length: 7 .
Our price: $20.00
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Left-Handed Napoleonic Flintlock Gray finish
SKU: 22-1127-G
Reproductions of the rarest flintlock models in history. These were designed to be drawn and fired with the left hand, leaving your right hand free to wield a cutlass. Placing the lock on the left side prevented the lock from snagging on clothing when drawing from your belt. Each features an eng...
Our price: $56.00
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Italian Brescia Dueling Pistol
SKU: 22-1013-L
Italian Brescia Circa 1825 percussion Dueling Pistol: A handsome testament to bygone days when men defended their honor by dueling. Deluxe simulated brass engraved barrel and furniture. This and all non firing models models cannot be made to fire real ammunition and come assembled and ready for d...
Our price: $58.00
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Pirate Flintlock Pistol-Gray
SKU: 22-1031-G
Gray Pirate Flintlock Pistol: Circa 1800's distinctive blunderbuss pistol features heavily decorative engraved barrel, lock, and pirate's head butt cap. Length: 15", Weight: 1.5 lbs.
Our price: $59.00
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Left-Handed Napoleonic Flintlock Brass Finish
SKU: 22-1127-L
Reproductions of some of the rarest flintlock models in history. These were designed to be drawn and fired with the left hand, leaving your right hand free to wield a cutlass. Placing the lock on the left side prevented the lock from snagging on clothing when drawing from your belt. Each features...
Our price: $60.00
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Napoleon 1806 Flintlock Pistol.
SKU: 22-1063
Napoleonic 1806 Flintlock Pistol: Napoleon’s personal flintlock pistol made in 1806 by Jean-Baptiste Gribeauval of St. Etienne and is preserved in a French museum. It was used as Napoleon’s traveling pistol and carried in his overcoat. Napoleon's insignia is displayed on the grip, typical of Grib...
Our price: $76.00
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