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Replica Guns Swords :: Civil War Weapons :: Civil War Collectibiles, Displays and Gifts
civil war collectibles,Displays and Gifts, collectible guns, collectible swords, civil war memorabilia, civil war reenactment accessories, Civil war bugle, flask, bullets, civil war currency, coins, lantern, Lee and Grant collectibles, civil war collectible sets, kepi, gloves, civil war canteen. Civil War collectibles for sale online
Civil War Collectibiles, Displays and Gifts |
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Bowie Knife Framed Set
SKU: 27-305
Bowie Knife Framed Set: This unique set features a classic early American style bowie knife from the 1800's mounted on a hand stained pine frame. The set includes a colorized reproduction print of fierce fighting at the Alamo in March of 1858 and a brass id plaque. Size: 18" x 7".
Our price: $78.00
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Civil War Canteen
SKU: 16-411
Civil War Canteen Reproduction. Non-functional real antiqued wood with shoulder strap and water plug.
Our price: $64.00
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Civil War Cap Box
SKU: 16-A33
Civil War Cap Box: Crafted of thick leather & brass, inner flap protects pocket, 2.5 belt loops. Length 4 Width 2 Height 3.
Our price: $29.00
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Civil War CSA D-Guard Bowie Knife
SKU: 07-318
Civil War CSA D-Guard Bowie Knife: Features include CSA Inscription with a 10.25" carbon steel blade, solid brass “D” hand guard, wood handle. Comes with leather scabbard.
Overall length: 15.5", Weight: 1.2 lbs
Our price: $48.00
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Civil War Currency Sets
SKU: 30-099
Civil War Currency Sets. Authentic reproduction of original confederate and union paper money. Eighteen different banknotes (12 CSA, 6 USA).
Our price: $12.00
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Civil War Officers Spurs, Pair
SKU: 16-400
Civil War Officers Spurs, Pair. Classic eagle head & winged strap design. Solid brass, rotating metal rowel 5.5 X 3.25 Weight: 1 lb.
Our price: $38.00
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Civil War Union Framed Set Light Wood
SKU: 27-320
Civil War Union Framed Set Light Wood: The 1860 Army revolver was used by Union troops throughout the war between the states. This legendary cap and ball revolver is full size (14 ) and weighs a hefty 2 lbs. 8 oz. The loading lever, hammer, trigger and cylinder action work like the rare expensive...
Our price: $124.00