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Replica Guns Swords :: COLLECTIBLES :: Colonial Collectibles
Colonial Collectibles |
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Left-Handed Napoleonic Flintlock Gray finish
SKU: 22-1127-G
Reproductions of the rarest flintlock models in history. These were designed to be drawn and fired with the left hand, leaving your right hand free to wield a cutlass. Placing the lock on the left side prevented the lock from snagging on clothing when drawing from your belt. Each features an eng...
Our price: $56.00
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Left-Handed Napoleonic Flintlock Brass Finish
SKU: 22-1127-L
Reproductions of some of the rarest flintlock models in history. These were designed to be drawn and fired with the left hand, leaving your right hand free to wield a cutlass. Placing the lock on the left side prevented the lock from snagging on clothing when drawing from your belt. Each features...
Our price: $60.00
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British Dueling Flintlock Boxed Set
SKU: 22-1196-2L
Manufactured in England during the mid 1700's, these two handsome dueling flintlock pistols defended many a man's honor in their day. Details of these replica guns include a full length wood stock, simulated brass brass barrell and trigger guard, and an embossed butt plate. Length: 15" Weight: 1....
Our price: $116.00
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George Washington Boxed Set
SKU: 27-125
George Washington Boxed Set: This historic set includes a reproduction of General Washington's classic holster pistol. It includes a colorized reproduction print of Washington's "Crossing the Delaware" and a brass ID plaque with his signature. The Washington Collection is nestled in a black foam ...
Our price: $134.00
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SKU: 27-302
GENERAL GEORGE A. CUSTER DELUXE FRAMED SET: Gen. Custer carried a pistol similar to this deluxe 1860 Civil War Army revolver. Replica pistol measures 14 in length and weighs a hefty 2 lbs. 8 oz. The loading lever, hammer, trigger and cylinder action work like the rare expensive original. Real w...
Our price: $130.00
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SKU: 27-322
THE ALAMO DELUXE FRAMED SET: The famous Kentucky pistol was at The Alamo when the brave defenders held off Santa Anna's Army for 13 days. Pistol features full length wood stock, blued barrel and working flintlock mechanism. Pistol is mounted on frame with our spring loaded gold finish eagle han...
Our price: $120.00
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The Alamo Deluxe Framed Set Dark Wood
SKU: 27-322-D
The Alamo Deluxe Framed Set Dark Wood: The famous Kentucky pistol was at The Alamo when the brave defenders held off Santa Anna's Army for 13 days. Pistol features full length wood stock, blued barrel and working flintlock mechanism. Pistol is mounted on frame with our spring loaded gold finish h...
Our price: $120.00
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Gun That Fired the Shot Heard Round The World Set
SKU: 27-355
Gun That Fired the Shot Heard Round The World Set: On a spring day in 1775 the first shot of the American Revolutionary War was fired at the Battle of Lexington. The 1760 Scottish Flintlock pistol that started the war is masterfully represented in this non-firing replica and now available in a de...
Our price: $130.00
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U.S. Constitution
SKU: 29-C
“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands…" This is an authentic looking replica of one of the most important documents in America's history. It is printed on antiqued parchment paper and can be framed to decorate any home, office or h...
Our price: $5.00