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Replica Guns Swords :: Pirate Weapons :: Replica Swords, Cutlasses, Daggers and Knives
Replica Swords, Cutlasses, Daggers and Knives |
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French Flintlock Pistol/Dagger
SKU: 22-1204
French Flintlock Pistol Dagger: Flintlock firing system, 18th century. Unique pistol-dagger combination. Length: 15", Weight: 1.2 lbs.
Our price: $48.00
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Elegant French Dagger/Pistol.
SKU: 47-1101
Elegant French Dagger/Pistol: This 18th century combination piece features simulated. ivory handle. The hand guard, pommel and barrel have a simulated. antique brass finish. Length: 14.5", Weight: 1 lb. Decorator model.
Our price: $57.00
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Carbon Steel Pirate Cutlass
SKU: 06-25
Carbon Steel Cutlass: This short sword with an overall length of 32" was the swashbuckler's favorite. The 26.5" blade is forged of carbon steel, with a 3/4 length blood grove and measures 1 3/4" at its widest. The hand guard is a single piece of steel that flares out to over 4", with 5.5" staine...
Our price: $70.00
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