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Replica Guns Swords :: Blank Firing Guns :: Police and Military Training Blank Firing Guns :: Front Firing Beretta P4 Storm Replica 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun-Desert Sand

Front Firing Beretta P4 Storm Replica 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun-Desert Sand
Front Firing Beretta P4 Storm Replica 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun-Desert Sand 
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New Front Firing Desert Sand Beretta P4 Storm Replica 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun Replica: Now in 9MMPA version; our Replica Blank Gun of the Beretta P4 Storm was just recently introduced in the United States. It is an Improved, not as top heavy, Replacement of the Beretta Cougar. It is widely used in Police Departments and with Hand Gun Enthusiasts. The Front Firing P4 Storm 9MMPA Blank Firing Gun Replica makes a Great Realistic Police and Military Training Weapon and is a very Popular with Collectors. It is a great Movie or any type Theatrical or Stage Prop Blank Gun. It features a removable magazine that comes with it, working semi-automatic action, New Deseert Sand finish and composite grips. It also comes with a carrying case. You will Love the Crisp Clean Detailed Craftsmanship and balanced feel of this new “Must Have” Replica Blank Gun. Capacity 10 rounds, Length: 7.5”, Weighs 2 Lbs: Beretta P4 Storm 9MMPA Blank Gun Replica.

Click Here to Add 9 mm. PA Blank Ammunition for this blank gun model.


Price: $189.00


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